A petição mostra porém que a sociedade canadense não está contente com as atuais políticas imigratórias do Ministro Jason Kenney.
Em face à atual crise econômica, isso pode ter dois desdobramentos:
- Uma flexibilização do 'endurecimento' das leis propostas pelo Ministro Kenney.
- Uma radicalização para o lado mais fraco, nesse caso, nós na jornada.
It's all about the money.....
Der Doppelgänger
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Sign petition against Canadian Citizenship law changes
Posted on March 3, 2009 by knowledgeomnivore
The Canadian Expat Association has launched an online petition to pool our resources and fight the upcoming changes in the Canadian Citizenship laws. Please do sign, and pass this on to anyone you know who may either be themselves directly affected, or who could be in the future (this would be all Canadians, present or future). Over the past few weeks many of us have been working intensely to alert Canadians living around the world about changes to Citizenship and Immigration laws that will affect children of Expats born abroad. There has been significant headway gained with media both in Canada and abroad assisting in our efforts.
Individuals from around the world have been in contact with the association and several other Canadian organizations are working hard to encourage Expats and their relatives in Canada to write to Minister Jason Kenney and their local MP. This is working, as Citizenship and Immigration critics with both the Liberal Party and the NDP have expressed their support of Canadians living abroad.
To help consolidate our voices an online petition has been created. Please visit and sign the petition at Canadian Citizenship and Children Born Abroad (http://www.petitiononline.com/cexpat01/petition.html)
On March 17th, the petition will be presented to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Honorable Jason Kenney, (Liberal Critic) Maurizio Bevilacqua and (NDP Critic) Olivia Chow. We would also encourage you to forward this information to other Canadians living abroad and relatives in Canada.
Please continue to write letters to the following individuals:
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Hon. Jason Kenney, Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca
(Liberal Critic) Maurizio Bevilacqua, BevilM@parl.gc.ca
(NDP Critic) Olivia Chow, chow.o@parl.gc.ca
Visit The Canadian Expat Association http://thecanadianexpat.com/
to keep up to date; and remember, sign the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/cexpat01/petition.html
Ola!! Somos Erika e Reuel...
estamos no processo tb!
Nossa, mais que absurdo isso!
Se eles aprovarem isso, vai ser mt ruim pra varias familias!
No nosso caso, nao seria ruim, pq nos nao temos filhos..etc..queremos ter no canada direto!
Como ta o processo de voces?
um abraco
Olá, obrigado pela visita.
Pois então, o processo está enrolado.
Eu estava prevendo a saída do visto em 18 meses, já me reprogramei para 36 agora.
Isso em função a) da mudança no processo federal, que deve priorizar os novos processos. e b) crise econômica.
Digo isso pois a cota de imigrantes de 2009 é a mesma da de 2008, aproximadamente 250.000 pessoas. Como esse número não mudou para acomodar o processo novo e pode até diminuir, isso com certeza aumenta a probabilidade da fila demorar mais.
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